Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Season 5, Episode 8: Kitsunegari


Robert Modell escapes from his Virginia penitentiary after convincing a guard he has to go. The FBI starts a manhunt, and Scully says the Modell is doing all right despite being shot in the head and suffering from a brain tumor. She also worries about Mulder being on the case, as Modell might try playing games with him again. Modell calls Mulder and says he has to tell him something, but Mulder hangs up on him instead. Modell's prosecutor turns up dead, and the agents find that the prosecutor's wife, a real estate agent named Linda Bowman, is meeting with "Fox Mulder."

Modell manipulates one pursuing cop into arresting the other, and Bowman is taken into protective custody. Mulder wonders why Modell isn't killing the people he manipulates, aside from the prosecutor. Mulder finds Modell, who once again says he needs to tell him something, then disappears after manipulating Mulder. After interviewing Bowman, who says she was married to the prosecutor for all of two months, Mulder suspects her of the murder and wonders if Modell is trying to warn them about similar powers on her part. Skinner responds by suspending Mulder from the case.

Mulder tries to pursue the case against Bowman by talking with the therapist, but that turns into a dead end when she gets a call that leads her to electrocute herself. Using further manipulation, Modell goes to the safe house where Bowman is. Modell is shot after making Skinner believe he's armed, and Mulder thinks Modell is covering for Bowman. Bowman convinces Modell to die peacefully, and also says that she's seeking revenge against the agents (an idea Modell isn't supportive of). She leaves an address behind for Mulder.

Mulder follows the address to a warehouse, where Scully appears, says she is being manipulated by Bowman, and shoots herself in the head. Mulder then sees Bowman and threatens to kill her, but Bowman claims that Mulder is seeing things and she's actually Scully. She proves it after naming members of Mulder's family and then shooting the actual Bowman as she comes up behind Mulder. It is revealed that Bowman is Modell's twin sister and has the same kind of tumor.

Episode Body Count

Tobias Funke: er, I mean Nathan Bowman. Modell's 1996 prosecutor, dies of paint ingestion.

Therapist: dies after getting a phone call, apparently from Bowman, ordering her to electrocute herself.

Robert Patrick Modell: manipulated into a peaceful death by Bowman after being shot by Skinner.

Mulder says that Modell is responsible for 17 murders, but those have already been counted. In fact, he's one short. Scully refers to Bowman in the present tense at the end of the episode, so she has apparently survived the shooting.

Humans: 3
Creatures: 0
Aliens: 0

Cumulative Body Count (105/202 episodes, 0/2 movies)

Humans: 1,235
Creatures: 82
Aliens: 57

Grand Total: 1,374

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